What do you know about third-party liability?

You hurt yourself at work recently, but your employer has workers' compensation insurance. While gathering information for your claim, you think your situation could involve a third party. The Nassau County Bar Association explains the basics of third-party liability personal injury cases. Find out if your workplace injury also qualifies...

Amputees may have phantom pain

Amputations can have a deep impact on your psychological health. Some of the most immediate side effects you may experience are phantom pains. After losing a limb, you may sometimes feel like your limb is still part of your body. The Mayo Clinic says that you may feel pain in...

Traumatic brain injuries can have long lasting effects

People who have been involved in a serious collision with a massive tractor trailer, may suffer from a myriad of injuries. One of the most common injuries resulting from these accidents is traumatic brain damage. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, vehicle accidents are the second leading...

Collision with semi-truck kills pedestrian

The sheer size of the semi-trucks and tractor-trailers one sees on New Jersey's roads and highways is often what makes them seem so intimidating. Yet people typically take comfort in the assumption that those driving these massive vehicles are well-trained in their operation, and thus quite capable of keeping those...